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Resources > Building a Web Server

Building a DSL or Cable based Web Server for Enterprise Websites


  • Never pay for hosting fee to establish a web presence
  • Enjoy unrestricted web space
  • Host multiple websites on one server
  • Host multiple email accounts
  • Run server side software of your choice

Choosing a Cable or DSL connection

Cable vs. DSL - Cable is shared and is affected by the number of users while DSL is dedicated but affected by distance from PO.

Considering Providers, Cost, Speed, ISP terms of use, and open port policy. Most providers do not filter port 80, so it is possible to run a web server from your home. Cable internet 2providers usually do not allow users to run any servers of any type from their connection, but they do not strongly enforce it anyway. If your traffic is low or your website is just starting up, cable internet is a good option since it has twice the speed of most DSL connection.

On the other hand, once our websites reach more than 1GB of traffic a month, we move it to a shared server (www.nexpoint.net) for $160 per year inclusive of IIS/ASP, SQL Server access, unlimited emails, 20GB of traffic, and 100MB of disk space. We also have the secondary option to switch to DSL 750/750 (upload/download) which cost $150 per month once we consider the value of our data and site to reach a certain point. The only drawback to this provider is that they do not host Sun/Java/JSP/Servlets which is what we are using on most of our sites. Most servers do not host Sun/Java/JSP/Servlets.

We decided to use cable internet since it was already available since 1999 when we first considered the idea. But now, you can get cable or DSL for $30 per month on most areas. Use DSLReports.com to comparison shop.

Static IP vs. dynamic IP - if choosing DSL, it is important to secure a static IP since DSL providers usually provide dynamic IP for its clients. Their dynamic IP tends to change almost everyday. Cable internet on the other hand also provides dynamic IP, but their IP don't expire for at least 1 week, and when it does expire, it renews to the same IP.

Securing the Cable or DSL connection

Using hardware and software firewalls

Hardware firewall provides a great protection from unauthorized access, but does not have the feature of tracking what type of attacks and from where and at what time. Software firewall provides a secondary protection from certain attacks that the hardware firewall could not stop. Software firewall also provides a detailed log of the attacker and types of attack.

Choosing and setting up a hardware router and firewall

In this case, we used Linksys Wireless 4-port Cable/Dsl Router which now cost around $90. And we also installed Blackice as a software firewall which cost $40 for single user or $300 for Windows 2000 server.

Test with: https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2

Close all ports

Having more than one computer connected into the router
Dealing with dynamically generated IP addresses in the router for multiple computers
  • Chose dynamically assign IP addresses for all computers
  • Configure the web server to have a static IP - this will enable you to configure your router later when

Choosing an operating system
  • Windows 95, 98, or ME, Windows 2000 or NT 4, Windows XP
  • Linux

Setting up an IIS and/or Apache Tomcat server
  • Both can run at the same time but on different ports
  • Can be configured to have one server listen from port 80
  • and forward any request belonging to the other server
Configuring both IIS / Apache Tomcat to work at the same time
Choosing and buying a domain name for your website
  • Choosing a domain name registrar
  • DirectNic, $15, GoDaddy, $10

Setting up one or more domain names DNS to point to your server
  1. What is DNS?
    • Associates your domain name with the IP address of your server
  2. Choosing a DNS registrar
    • DirectNic, ZoneEdit
  3. Setting up your own DNS server
  4. What is your IP address?
    • Use: IPCONFIG (from the DOS prompt)

Setting up your router to point to your web server
  • Opening port 80
  • Using port forwarding
  • Assign port 80 to the web server
Setting up your server to recognize one or more domain names
Dealing with dynamic public IP addresses to link your domain name and web server
  • Behavior of dynamic public IP address on cable versus DSL
  • Using software to update the IP address associated with your domain name DNS

Securing the web server
  • Security of IIS

Setting up the server for power failure
  • Connecting the UPS to web server, router, and cable / DSL modem

Setting up the server for restorability
  • Have all web services start automcatically
Backing up the server
Remotely managing the web server
  • Using WORM (website online remote management)

Setting up your emails
  • Using POP3
  • Using Microsoft Exchange
  • Using Jakarta James
  • Dealing with spam
Company News
July 1, 2004

WebComplete.comTM Complete web services and technology. Domain registration service, email services, web hosting, database, web design, logo design, SEO and marketing, and programming for e-commecre and e-business.

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